Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Days

Hasn't all the snow been lovely? I am just struck by God's beautiful creation. No two snowflakes are exactly alike - each one is unique. And yet, all together snow comes together to impact our lives in a tremendous way. It creates a kind of quiet, solemn, pure beauty. It creates in instant playground for our kiddos. And it wrecks havoc on our lives - we have to adjust, make changes, stay put and rest.

What a beautiful picture of humanity... God created each one of us - no two of us are exactly alike. He gave each one of us physical, emotion, mental, and spiritual gifts that separate us. And yet, taken all together - human beings clearly can impact the world for change. We are beautiful and we can create beauty. We can play and work. And like snow, we also wreck havoc on those around us through our sin.

Last Sunday, Pastor Rick spoke about our Rescuer. What are we being rescued from? Who is doing the rescuing? And what are we being rescued to?

"Who is your Savior? The gifts of Jesus (i.e. church, fellowship with other believers, 12 step programs, etc.) or Jesus Himself? Christ's gifts are GOOD, but the make POOR saviors."

Who or what is saving you?

Are you looking to your mentor, friend or spouse to save you? Are you looking to him/her to heal your heart and all its hurts? Or are you going to the cross, on your knees, asking for the One True Savior, Jesus Christ to rescue you, to heal you? Because while mentors, friends and spouses are beautiful gifts from the Lord, they will fail you every time when you make them your savior.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Psalm 94

O Lord, the God who avenges, O God who avenges, shine forth.
Rise up, O Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve.
How long will the wicked, O Lord, how long will the wicked be jubilant?

They pour out arrogant words; all the evildoers are full of boasting.
They crush your people, O Lord; they oppress your inheritance.
They slay the widow and the alien; they murder the fatherless.
They say, "The LORD does not see; the God of Jacob pays no heed".
Take heed, you senseless ones among the people; you fools, when will you become wise?
Does he who implanted the ear not hear?
Does he who formed the eye not see?
Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
Does he who teaches man lack knowledge?
The LORD knows the thoughts of man; he knows that they are futile.

Blessed is the man you discipline, O Lord, the man you teach from your law; you grant him relief from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked.
For the LORD will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance.
Judgment will again be founded on righteousness, and all the upright in heart will follow it.

Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Unless the LORD had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death.
When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.

Can a corrupt throne be allied with you--one that brings on misery by its decrees?
They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.
But the LORD has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.
He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness;
the LORD our God will destroy them.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Beauty Among Ugliness

A couple weeks ago, I commented to my mom and sister about how ugly north Texas is - especially in some of what surrounds where I live. Some industrial plants are not far, lots of highway, kinda flat. And then as I was driving home, I came upon this field right next to my neighborhood. It was a beautiful fall day - the temperatures mild, not a cloud in sight. Just beautiful, pure sky blue. The field was a brilliant shade of green with a few trees scattered here and there and some very tall yellow wildflowers. For just a moment, all I saw was the green of that field edged up to that perfect blue sky and nothing else. Mind you, there is highway all around and just behind me is the FedEx distribution center and not far from that is cement plants and more yuck. But God showed me His beauty that afternoon. I captured a glimpse of His splendor in that moment. Oh, praise You Father!

It got me to thinking... There is beauty to find among the ugliness. In a person. In a situation. In a conversation. In a city. In a small town. Sometimes it's easier to see than others. Sometimes you have to peel back a lot of layers to uncover it. Sometimes you have to put yourself in just the right vantage point to capture it. But it's there - so start looking. Seek it out. Be willing to give up your preconceived opinions and notions. Uncover it. Look beyond the obvious. Beauty is waiting for you. The beauty of God cries out to be explored and revealed. Behold! And then praise Him, beloved!

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time...

Psalm 45:11
The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord.

Psalm 145:21
My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise His holy name for ever and ever.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Chains Are Gone

God keeps bringing the theme of slavery to me. I've begun studying Exodus and the past week, I have been led to check out two movies: "Amistad" and "Amazing Grace". If you have not seen these movies, rent them or check them out at your local library - they are well worth the time investment!

The scenes of these men, women and children bound up in chains to make the passage from Africa to the West Indies to be sold on the block are horrific. What they endured was horrific. Forced to lie in chains with 600 others in a tiny compartment. No fresh air. Wallowing in blood, vomit, excrement. For three weeks. Only then to be sold (if you survived) like you were nothing, just a thing to be used. Horrific.

But it's got me thinking.... I've been a slave myself. I'm sure you have too. Now, we have not had to endure what these precious souls endured. I am certainly not trying to equate our experience with theirs. But though our chains are unseen, they are chains nonetheless. And we haven't been made to lie in vomit and urine, but there have been some ugly side effects of my enslavement. Debt, deception, fear, despair.

In both movies, there is a redeemer. In "Amazing Grace", a group of men and women (albeit small compared to those against them) with their leader, William Wilberforce, who are willing to stand up and take on the slave trade. Wilberforce spends his life (literally) for the cause, for abolishing the slave trade in England - and three days before his death, he sees it happen. In "Amistad", there is an attorney, a freedman, and a Christian abolitionist and ultimately a judge and a politician, John Quincy Adams, who stand up against slavery and represent the Africans from the slave ship, the Amistad - and win.

In the bible, there is story after story - Scripture after Scripture - that tell of captivity and deliverance. It's the heart of everything we believe! That we've been held captive by sin and lies and Jesus Christ redeems us by His blood. He is our activist! He stands up for us and says I have purchased them and they are free.

Galatians 5:11 tells us, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Even though you are in Christ, have you allowed yourself to be yoked again? Are you allowing the enemy to bind you up in chains of lies and deception - that you're not loved, that you're not enough, that you're not this or that? Are you held captive by a particular sin? Sister, you must break these chains - with diligence and resolve. Not by your own power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

1 John 4:4
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

My dear sister, Rejoice! You are free. Choose it - choose freedom in Christ Jesus.

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood
His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace

-from Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Making Room

With each passing season, it seems my life goes into different seasons as well. Times of joy, times of struggle, times of freedom, times of captivity. And God seems to name each of these life-seasons too - He gives it a theme, of sorts. The season of my life this summer is "Make Room". I'm finally starting to clean out some closets - eliminating clutter and stuff. Also, I have been participating in a bible study, "No Other Gods" by Kelly Minter. This bible study has opened my eyes to idol worship. I'm not sure I've ever truly understood what that meant - I mean, I don't have a carved, wooden or golden image I bow down to. So what does idol worship look like in our culture today? Well, let me tell you, it comes in all forms. Anything that has taken residence in my heart - that takes the place of God - that I'm dependent upon - that is an idol. And God is revealing to me places of my heart that I've been withholding from Him. Oh, how I've been humbled, broken-hearted, convicted and redeemed. I love that Jesus never stops redeeming me. 'Cause I'm in constant need of redemption!

My point is that God is telling me to make room for Him. Over the past several years, He has been refining me, purifying my faith, growing my heart and passion for Him. But there is also spaces in my heart that I've reserved - for self-protection, out of fear. He is saying - "Give me all of your heart - hold nothing back from me". And as if to put an exclamation point on all of this, He allowed my husband to lose his job last week. As if to say - let me show you how serious I am about this. And I don't mean that in a wrath, judgment kind of way. I mean, it's like God is saying, let me show you who I Am and what I have planned for you! We aren't prepared for this. But God is.

"Let go and make room for Me, Tiffany. I am and there is none besides Me."

I'm letting go of the idol of financial security. I lay it on your altar, Lord. Father, continue to reveal what has my worship when it isn't You. Make room in me - in my heart, my mind, my house, my life.

Side note: There's a passage in the study about conviction. You know, being conviced to cease doing something or start doing something else. Kelly wrote about a friend who shared about being convicted by the Holy Spirit to stop watching a particular TV show. She joked about looking for loopholes and what a bummer it was to not "get" to watch it anymore. Then Kelly went on to say that being convicted by God in some area is actually exciting and cause for joy. It means that God wants to do something with that time - with the space that gets created by the absence of that particular activity. Wow! A-ha moment for me. So jump for joy, ladies, when you are convicted by the Spirit - it means God is up to something with you!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Correction to Waitress

Just wanted to clarify my "Waitress" post. When I wrote about my pastor describing the table where we feed on God's Word, I mentioned the screaming baby in the highchair. Well, I totally messed that up. And it will make a lot more sense when I make the correction!

He was actually referencing a screaming adult, still sitting in the highchair - this adult screaming, "Feed me, feed me" when they should know how to feed themselves or to at least sit at the grown up table. In this analogy (or in real life), one should never ignore a screaming infant - they clearly have a need that isn't being met. They usually stop screaming when it is.

Anyway, just had that epiphany in the shower the other day.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Check out my fabulous friends, Denbigh & Stephanie Cherry! We had a blast hanging with them at the Gaylord Texan resort on May 9.